Sunday, January 14, 2007


... is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task and is often linked to perfectionism.

For the person procrastinating this may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of productivity, the creation of crisis, and the chagrin of others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments.

While it is normal for individuals to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.

The word itself comes from the Latin word procrastinatus: pro- (forward) and crastinus (of tomorrow).

The term's first known appearance was in Edward Hall's Chronicle (The union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancestre and Yorke), first published sometime before 1548. The sermon reflected procrastination's connection at the time to task avoidance or delay, volition or will, and sin."

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Slack Babbath!

Friday, January 12, 2007

I Phone, You Phone, I Want an iPhone

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Happy New Year?

Apple's Steve Job makes his annual Keynote speech at MacExpo next week. It's an interesting consumer gang-bang that's sadly pretty exciting if you're that way inclined.

Though this doesn't excuse in any way the fact that I've just had an extensive dream on the subject:

A large building in the desert with a sloped floor and stage area. Mr Jobs is making his speech as I arrive. He is doing a Yoda impression that we all find very funny although he seems to overdo it after the third or forth time and the laughter becomes politely strained.

They take an interval. I realise that this explains the extended 2 hour time-slot on the programme.

As I head for refreshment I bump into my brother. He's sat on some sofas under the main seating area with a friend of his who's in the Army. The soldier is with his sister who seems to have shrunk and looks not unconsiderably like Jimmy Cranky.

There's so many people now piling in that you can't see the stage from the sofas and I've lost my previous spot. My brother tells me he's seen some friends of mine arrive. We meet and look for a seat, although we're turned away from the reserved area even though there's loads of free space.

I suggest leaving and moving around the building to another entrance. I lead, although I'm quickly annoyed that the group is far slower and I'm going to miss the second half. They seem annoyed that I'm annoyed.

I bump into a security guard who's riding around on the surrounding sand dunes (did I mention them?) on a strange buggy with tyres that dwarf him and the vehicle. He offers me a premium spot to see the Keynote, but only for me.

Do I ditch the group and leave them moaning in the sand?

No. I go to a wedding and end up sat at the head of a large table charging all the guest's digital camera batteries.